+49 (0)8704 9129-14 msi.furth@maristen.org

Madagascar: Extension of the brother house and return of classrooms

The Marist Brothers in Antsirabe (College Immaculé Conception) lacked a suitable space to work, cook and eat. For this purpose, the brothers used some school classrooms as an office, kitchen and dining room. Due to this occupancy, the classrooms were unfortunately not available for the kindergarten and school lessons.

The project goal was completed with the construction of another part of the building. The brothers were able to move into the new rooms and the classrooms were returned to the kindergarten and elementary school for their original purpose. Thus, Immaculé College is able to teach and provide education for about 80 more children.

The new building could be completed with donations from home. For this, a heartfelt “Vergelt’s Gott” from the brothers!

Pilgrimage women donate to Marist project in Kenya

Pilgrimage women donate to Marist project in Kenya

(from left) Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women's Association and Peter Dierl, Chairman of Marist Solidarity International. The pilgrimage women from Landshut have been loyal to the Marists for...

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