06.02.2025 | General, Kenya
(from left) Oliver Wicker, Liedertafel, Rita Melzl, Secretary Maristen Solidarität International, Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth and Georg Kufer, Liedertafel. Once again, the Liedertafel Furth donated the proceeds from the 2024 Christmas concert to a...
24.01.2025 | General, Syria
(from left) Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth, Kerstin Geneder and Stephanie Holzer, School Pastoral Team, Eva Alfranseder, Coordinator Marist Team, Peter Dierl, Chairman Maristen Solidarität International and Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF. The...
10.01.2025 | General, Syria
(from left) Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF, Brother Andeas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth, Peter Dierl, Chairman Maristen Solidarität International and Rita Melzl, Secretary. In December 2024, the Maristen Solidarität International association once again took...
22.12.2024 | General, Kenya
(from left) Peter Dierl, Chairman of Maristen Solidarität International, Sister Veronika, Solanus Sisters, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women’s Association and Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery. At its traditional Advent...
25.10.2024 | General, Kenya, Zimbabwe
(from left: Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, Peter Dierl) Once again this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the Furth market to two social projects. €750 each went to the Marist project in Kenya and to Sister Gabriele...