02.02.2024 | General, Kenya
(from left) Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women’s Association and Peter Dierl, Chairman of Marist Solidarity International. The pilgrimage women from Landshut have been loyal to the Marists...
22.01.2024 | Cambodia, General
(from left) Oliver Wicker, Julia Skornia (both Liedertafel), Frater Andreas Krupp. Once again this year, the Liedertafel Furth donated the proceeds from the 2023 Christmas concert to a social project of the Marist Brothers. Oliver Wicker and Julia Skornia handed over...
22.12.2023 | Cambodia, General, Kenya
(from left) Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF and Peter Dierl, Chairman. Once again this year, the Maristen Solidarität International association took part in the Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth. Current projects of the Marist Brothers in...
29.10.2023 | General, Kenya, Zimbabwe
(from left) Rita Melzl, secretary, Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Furth Monastery, Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, board member KjG Furth Also this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the autumn market to two social...