+49 (0)8704 9129-14 msi.furth@maristen.org

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News and Information:

Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth

Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth

(from left) Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF, Brother Andeas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth, Peter Dierl, Chairman Maristen Solidarität International and Rita Melzl, Secretary. In December 2024, the Maristen Solidarität International association once again took...

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KjG Furth donates for Africa

KjG Furth donates for Africa

(from left: Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, Peter Dierl) Once again this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the Furth market to two social projects. €750 each went to the Marist project in Kenya and to Sister Gabriele...

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Visit from Rome to Marist Solidarity

Visit from Rome to Marist Solidarity

(from left) Peter Dierl, Francesco Mastrorosa (Project Manager FMSI), Rita Melzl, Maria Rita Pala (Project Manager FMSI), Brother Andreas Krupp. As in previous years, our association received a visit from the Fondazione Marista Solidarieta Internationale (FMSI) from...

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Fire protection equipment for Tanzania

Fire protection equipment for Tanzania

For the cooperation project with the local community of Furth to procure fire protection equipment for Karagwe in Tanzania, the container has now been loaded. It is already on its way to the port of Hamburg and will arrive in Dar es Salaam by ship via the Suez Canal...

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Gardening association donates for emergency aid projects

Gardening association donates for emergency aid projects

(from left) Dietlind von Feilitzsch, Peter Dierl, Brother Andreas Krupp, Franz Hummel. Our association Maristen Solidarität International (MSI) was pleased to receive a generous donation of € 2,000 from the Furth Horticultural Society. "To give to the needy is not to...

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