+49 (0)8704 9129-14 msi.furth@maristen.org

Kenya: Primary school in Tumaini

In 2015, the Marist Brothers Frater Andreas Krupp and Erick Sikali started to build a new primary school in Tumaini in western Kenya, near Nakuru. The village is located in an agriculturally good region, which, however, has so far offered few educational opportunities for children and young people.

The first building to be constructed was the Brothers’ House. In further construction phases, classrooms, dormitories and toilets were built. In addition, further classrooms, office, teachers’ room and media room will be built at a later stage.

Well drilling project successfully completed

After the construction of the brother houses, the infrastructure urgently needed to be created. With the new well, the drinking water supply for the school, the boarding school and the community for a total of 600 people could be sustainably ensured.

All the work, the drilling of the well to a depth of 200 m, the solar system for operation, storage and distribution of the drinking water amount to a total of € 22,000. Approx. 18,000 € are covered by the German Conference of Religious Orders (DOK) as well as the children’s missionary organisation “Sternsinger”. Thanks to further donations, the project could fortunately be completed quickly.

A heartfelt “Vergelt´s Gott” to all donors.

Pilgrimage women donate to Marist project in Kenya

Pilgrimage women donate to Marist project in Kenya

(from left) Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women's Association and Peter Dierl, Chairman of Marist Solidarity International. The pilgrimage women from Landshut have been loyal to the Marists for...

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KjG Furth donates for Africa

KjG Furth donates for Africa

(from left) Rita Melzl, secretary, Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Furth Monastery, Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, board member KjG Furth Also this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the autumn market to two social...

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