(from left) Peter Dierl, Chairman of Maristen Solidarität International, Sister Veronika, Solanus Sisters, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women’s Association and Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery.
At its traditional Advent celebration, the Pilgrimage Women’s Association from Landshut was able to support the work of Maristen Solidarität in Furth and the Solanus Sisters in Landshut with a donation. Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women’s Association, emphasized that this should be seen as a sign of appreciation for their commitment to the social projects.
The pilgrimage women have been loyal to the Marist Brothers for 37 years now. Once again, a donation of 200 euros was handed over. Peter Dierl, Chairman of Maristen Solidarität International, thanked them for their decades of loyalty with a heartfelt thank you from God. Once again, the donation will benefit the two schools in Roo and Orore on Lake Victoria in Kenya. It remains a great task for the Marist Brothers in Kenya to continue to provide the young people there with a good education so that they can improve their living conditions in the long term.
The Marist Brothers would like to thank the pilgrimage women from Landshut with a heartfelt “Vergelt´s Gott”!