+49 (0)8704 9129-14 msi.furth@maristen.org

(from left) Rita Melzl, secretary, Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Furth Monastery, Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, board member KjG Furth

Also this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the autumn market to two social projects. The proceeds were rounded up to 1,500 € from the KjG’s own funds. 750 € each will go to the Marist project in Kenya and to Sister Gabriele in Zimbabwe. Pia Dierl from the KjG board handed over the donation cheques. In the schools “Our Lady of Orore” and in the “Bishop Mugendi School” in Roo at Lake Victoria, the Marist Brothers run two schools where disadvantaged children receive a good school education. This time the amount will be used for school meals. Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery, and Rita Melzl, secretary of the association, accepted the donation on behalf of the Marist Solidarity International Association. On behalf of Sister Gabriele’s project in Zimbabwe, Mrs Karoline Popp came to receive the donation. The fundraising campaign “Cake for Kenya” is a good tradition in Furth. The KjG took over and continued the project in 2003 and has since donated over 17,000 € for both projects.

A big thank you to all initiators and participants of the KjG Furth!