Ghana: Kindergarten and primary school
Our good mother school in Sabin Akroform is one of three Marist schools in Ghana. It is considered one of the best educational institutions in the whole country. However, the classrooms were in a very poor condition and suffered from permanent overcrowding. 60 – 95 children per class were not uncommon. Children with disabilities could not attend school at all due to lack of space.
It was therefore urgently necessary to build new classrooms and toilets as well as to modernise the existing facilities and purchase new classroom equipment and new playground equipment. This made it possible to admit about 200 new boys and girls per year whose parents cannot afford school fees.
The entire renovation was made possible by our team with donations from home amounting to 13,000 Euros.
The local Marist Brothers thank all donors with a heartfelt “Vergelt’s Gott” for their kind support!
Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth
(from left) Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF, Brother Andeas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth, Peter Dierl, Chairman Maristen Solidarität International and Rita Melzl, Secretary. In December 2024, the Maristen Solidarität International association once again took...
Pilgrimage women donate to Marist project in Kenya
(from left) Peter Dierl, Chairman of Maristen Solidarität International, Sister Veronika, Solanus Sisters, Patricia Steinberger, Chairwoman of the Pilgrimage Women's Association and Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery. At its traditional Advent...
KjG Furth donates for Africa
(from left: Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, Peter Dierl) Once again this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the Furth market to two social projects. €750 each went to the Marist project in Kenya and to Sister Gabriele...