(from left) Oliver Wicker, Liedertafel, Rita Melzl, Secretary Maristen Solidarität International, Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth and Georg Kufer, Liedertafel.
Once again, the Liedertafel Furth donated the proceeds from the 2024 Christmas concert to a social project of the Marist Brothers. Oliver Wicker and Georg Kufer handed over the donation of €600. Peter Dierl, Chairman of the Marist Solidarity International Association, Rita Melzl, Secretary and Brother Andreas Krupp, Superior of Furth Monastery and member of the association’s advisory board, were impressed by the great commitment of the Liedertafel, which has been one of the largest sponsors of the Further Mission Association since 1984, for over 40 years now, with over €25,000. Frater Andreas emphasised that the Liedertafel has generously supported the projects since the German Marists were sent to the mission from the very beginning. According to Peter Dierl, the donation will benefit the children and young people in the two schools ‘Our Lady of Orore’ and ‘Bishop Mugendi’ in Roo in Kenya in the form of school meals.
Many thanks to all the singers of the Liedertafel and the initiators!