+49 (0)8704 9129-14 msi.furth@maristen.org

Cambodia: Study centre and kindergarten

Sen Monorom is located in the Mondulkiri province in north-east Cambodia. The focus there was on the expansion of the study centre, the operation of the school and the kindergartens.

The main task at the study centre was the completion of the new central building. In addition to creating a garden and setting up a workshop, toilets also had to be built, the roof structures reinforced, the electrical cables laid and the outside area fortified with a fence. The construction of two 2000 litre containers to collect rainwater was successfully completed with the help of donations.

English lessons are on the timetable for the pupils from the church boarding school and from the neighbourhood. The secondary school pupils receive English, French and computer lessons. Some university students continue to receive scholarships.

In the meantime, these tasks have been taken over by the local diocese and the French priest. Brother Bernhard Tremmel was seconded to the girls’ boarding school in Pailin. Frater John returned to his home country of Cameroon as a Marist Brother to take on development work there. Brother Max Meier returned to Argentina to spend his retirement there.

The team of Bernhard, John and Max would like to express their heartfelt thanks for the many years of support from their homeland!

Pre-school classes and kindergartens in Bousra and Dak Dam

In cooperation with the local parish, the Marist Brothers supported pre-school classes and kindergartens in the villages of Bousra and Dak Dam. With donations from Germany, for example, the classrooms were fixed up and equipped with furniture and school supplies. There is also a hot meal for the children every day. Due to the great distance to the study centre and the poverty of the population, the children would otherwise have no opportunity to attend a kindergarten or school. Above all, the concept of helping people to help themselves is bearing fruit. For example, the kindergarten teachers and teachers employed today were all trained by the brothers at the study centre. A water supply, kitchens and toilets were also built with the help of donations to ensure that the facilities run smoothly.

In the meantime, the pre-school classes and kindergartens have also been taken over by the local diocese and the French priest.

The team of Bernhard, John and Max would like to express their heartfelt thanks for the many years of support from their home country!

The situation in Cambodia

Many children in Cambodia are physically disabled. This is due to the totalitarian rule of the communist Khmer Rouge until around 1980, when the country was heavily mined. The removal of the mines is very costly and has not yet been completed, so that there are always new serious injuries caused by mines.

Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth

Christmas market at the Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth

(from left) Johannes Räpple, former teacher at MGF, Brother Andeas Krupp, Superior Monastery Furth, Peter Dierl, Chairman Maristen Solidarität International and Rita Melzl, Secretary. In December 2024, the Maristen Solidarität International association once again took...

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KjG Furth donates for Africa

KjG Furth donates for Africa

(from left: Karoline Popp, Pia Dierl, Peter Dierl) Once again this year, the Catholic Young Community (KjG) Furth donated the proceeds from the cake sale at the Furth market to two social projects. €750 each went to the Marist project in Kenya and to Sister Gabriele...

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Visit from Rome to Marist Solidarity

Visit from Rome to Marist Solidarity

(from left) Peter Dierl, Francesco Mastrorosa (Project Manager FMSI), Rita Melzl, Maria Rita Pala (Project Manager FMSI), Brother Andreas Krupp. As in previous years, our association received a visit from the Fondazione Marista Solidarieta Internationale (FMSI) from...

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Fire protection equipment for Tanzania

Fire protection equipment for Tanzania

For the cooperation project with the local community of Furth to procure fire protection equipment for Karagwe in Tanzania, the container has now been loaded. It is already on its way to the port of Hamburg and will arrive in Dar es Salaam by ship via the Suez Canal...

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Gardening association donates for emergency aid projects

Gardening association donates for emergency aid projects

(from left) Dietlind von Feilitzsch, Peter Dierl, Brother Andreas Krupp, Franz Hummel. Our association Maristen Solidarität International (MSI) was pleased to receive a generous donation of € 2,000 from the Furth Horticultural Society. "To give to the needy is not to...

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