30.11.2021 | General, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria
(from left) Josef Schmid, Peter Dierl, Anja Spies, Brother Andreas KruppThe association Maristen Solidarität International (MSI) was pleased to receive a generous donation from the Association of Self-Employed Bavarians, Furth chapter. The chairman of the Furth...
28.06.2021 | General, Tanzania
For the cooperation project with the local community of Furth to procure fire protection equipment for Karagwe in Tanzania, the container has now been loaded. It is already on its way to the port of Hamburg and will arrive in Dar es Salaam by ship via the Suez Canal...
15.03.2018 | Cambodia, General
(from left) Peter Dierl, Brother Bernhard Tremmel, Brother John Lavnge Nyuydine, Monika Dierl (not on the photo is Brother Max Meier). Board member Peter Dierl and advisory board member Monika Dierl visited the Marist mission station in Sen Monorom during their Asia...